Scholarship Awards

Applicants Eligibility & Requirements

  • You must submit a completed Milwaukee’s Finest Scholarship Foundation (MFSF) application by the end of the day on Friday, November 1, 2024.

  • If selected as a Milwaukee's Finest scholar, you must attend the mandatory meeting and the annual Award Reception. Failure to attend either will result in the forfeit of your scholarship award.

    • Mandatory meeting: Saturday, Februrary 22, 2025

    • Award Reception: Saturday, June 14, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. - Milwaukee City Hall

  • You have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA at the time of submission.

  • You demonstrate leadership traits through participation in community service and extracurricular activities.

  • You must be a current Milwaukee County high school student with senior status. You must have attended a Milwaukee County high school for the past four years.

  • You must enroll in an Associate or Bachelor’s degree program in the Fall of 2025.

  • You must provide one letter of recommendation. Recommendations cannot be written by family members or friends.

  • You must identify a need for scholarship funding.